
La salvaguardia della sicurezza del mediterraneo

La salvaguardia della sicurezza del mediterraneo

Dal suo inizio nel 2015 ad oggi, Operazione Sophia, la missione dell’Unione Europea nel Mar Mediterraneo centrale finalizzata a salvare vite in mare e combattere il traffico di esseri umani, ha riscontrato alcune difficoltà di stampo sia operativo che politico.

Italian capabilities to fight orginized crime in Western Africa

Italian capabilities to fight orginized crime in Western Africa

The strong growth of organized crime in West Africa forces African and European governments to improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation on prevention and law enforcement

Development, sustainability, security: Italy and the challenges of the Horn of Africa

Development, sustainability, security: Italy and the challenges of the Horn of Africa

For over 30 years, the Horn of Africa has been the most unstable region on the continent. Understanding the origin and evolution of its economic, political and security problems is the first step to develop a sustainable, lasting and effective intervention strategy
