The project discusses the impact that China’s rising presence in the Mediterranean basin has in the region, the factors that can be gamechanger after the pandemic for the recovery of mediterranean countries and the possible role (if any) of the Mediterranean in the reshaping of EU-China relations.
In the last few years, a strong debate has risen on China’s growing presence in the region and on what can be China’s stakes in gaining a Mediterranean projection. As for Italy, the Mediterranean Sea is crucial for its strategic interest, and the awareness of China’s role in the area become vital, in order to evaluate possible convergences and threats as well. The project involves foreign experts from the Mediterranean region, China and Europe and it is implemented in four events and a final report. The events will deepen four dimensions: infrastructure and transportation, innovation technology, political cooperation and EU-China relations.
Europa, Italia, Cina e il processo di autonomia strategica dell’UE: equilibri e disequilibri in un’era di cambiamento
Cisco Webex
UE, Italia, Cina
UE, Italia, Cina
04.26.2021 — 12:00 AM
Tavola rotonda
III - The Mediterranean Sea and China after 2020: which way ahead?
Cisco Webex
Mediterraneo, Cina, Processo di Barcellona
Mediterraneo, Cina, Processo di Barcellona
12.01.2020 — 12:00 AM